First step towards developing Islamic finance

Training on energy efficiency technologies for housing construction in Kashkadarya

UNDP announces contest to support entrepreneurial and individual labor initiatives of vulnerable people

Better health, employment and land-use in Karakalpakstan, through livestock development

Waiting in line for notaries – soon to be a thing of the past

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From small ideas, great businesses grow
Our search for agricultural business ideas that are adaptive to climate change has been fruitful – the next step is putting them on the road to success.

Criminal Court Judge’s Handbook
Criminal Court Judge’s Handbook contains detailed recommendations regarding actions taken by a judge at the pretrial stage to prepare a criminal case for consideration, actions in the process of considering a criminal case, judicial investigation and sentencing, as well as other actions.

What We Do
UNDP Uzbekistan has been operating in the country since 1993 and has cooperated with the Government on finding solutions to national development challenges. UNDP assistance in Uzbekistan focuses on two overall, inter-linked objectives; to support the Government in advancing economic and democratic reforms; and strengthening and fostering the participation of civil society in development processes at national and local levels. UNDP works in three thematic areas – inclusive and sustainable growth, inclusive and democratic governance, climate change and environment.

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